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See.Exclusive content you won't find anywhere else!

See.Saw. uncovers all things film, from conventional classics to the freshest films. As well as interviews with producers, directors, actors and more. See.Saw gives fans multiple perspectives of film... all in one place. 

The Latest Editions...

Edition #1.                           Edition #2.

Steve Allen.                                       Jaxon Sturgess.

Steve Allen- 'Britain's favourite producer'.

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''I feel honoured to be chosen by See.Saw. for the main story of the first issue. I hope to inspire young, upcoming minds entering the film-creation world and tell them that possibilities are endless. Forty years ago I was writing films in Northamptonshire, England, now I am producing in Los Angeles and Tokyo. It's not where you're from, its what you make of yourself.''

- Steve Allen.
Coming Soon

*See.Saw. Exclusive* Steve Allen's Garden Tour.

Our cameraman visits Allen's house, and sees exactly where he writes his films:

Releases Coming Soon

Releases Coming Soon

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